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Эстония Латвия Литва Проголосовала протев провидения газопровода в баллтии нет газопровода в баллтии нет и не будет
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The parliament of EU has made a decision on change of the quantitative structure after elections of 2009. According to this decision, per 2009 the EuroParliament will include 750 representatives of the European countries.
The quantity(amount) of representatives of Estonia in Parliament of EU, six person, will not change.
Members of parliament consider(count), that since 2014 their quantity(amount) should raschityvatsya not in view of inhabitants of EU, and its(his) citizens. For acceptance of the similar decision has voted 378 members of parliament.
By results of elections of 2004 in Parliament 732 persons are presented. With the introduction into EU of Bulgaria and Romania per 2007 the quantity(amount) of members of parliament has temporarily increased up to 785 person.
According to operating(working) rules the quantity(amount) of euromembers of parliament in the future should total 736 person. However the Supreme assembly of the Europe has addressed to Parliament with an appeal to establish(install) restriction of structure in 750 person. Thus 96 places will be given to the country with the greatest quantity(amount) naselenieya, and six places - with the least.
The project of change of structure of EuroParliament will be discussed at an informal meeting
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In Royal court of the London area Vulich pass(take place) hearings on business of a five accused in terrorist activity.
Atilla Ahmet - presumably, the leader of a criminal grouping - has on the eve pled guilty to preparation of camps on training the future terrorists and in instigation to murders,
According to consequence(investigation), preparation in Ahmet's camps and its(his) accomplices have passed(have taken place), including, the terrorists, tried to organize a series of explosions in London on July, 21st, 2005.
The court knew, how Atilla Ahmet bragged of that broadcasting company si-эн-эн once has named its(his) "insurgent" al-¬á¿ñÙ " number one in the Europe ". Its(his) prospective accomplice, Mohammed Khamid, and at all once was presented to polices as " Osama ben London " and has promised to blow up attendants of the law and order.
KHamid has been detained in 2004 together with accused in preparation of unfortunate acts of terrorism on July, 21st Muktarom Saidom Ibragimom. Ibragim in July has been sentenced to life imprisonment.
" The version of char
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The Venezuelan government has forbidden to popular Spanish singer Alekhandro Sanz to lead a concert of that it(he) three years ago has scarified the president of Venezuela Ugo CHavesa.
As minister of higher education of country Luis Akuna has informed, the Venezuelan authorities have given up to Sanz in carrying out of the concert planned for November, 1st, on one of the stadiums, belonging the state,
" If the actor comes to Venezuela to abuse CHavesa and Bolivarsky the project (Bolivarskaya revolution – political movement CHavesa) as you think, people of this country will react, if it will be allowed to it(him) to use " stadium, has told Akuna in interview of radio station Union Radio.
In 2004 on a question on Chavese Sanz has told: " I do not love your president
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Signing of the contract between the Baltic countries and Poland about construction of an atomic power station brakes an astable political situation in this country, the prime minister of Lithuania Gediminas Kirkilas has declared in the second day of power conference in Vilnius. At the same time experts(auditeurs)-power of the Baltic countries believe, that to all fault obstinacy of Poland which demands not less than third of capacities(powers) of the future atomic power station.
The two-day power summit in Vilnius has come to an end. Its(his) basic characters became Azerbaijan which president has put the signature under the agreement on transportation of oil around of Russia, Lithuania, as the accepting party(side), and also Poland which has blocked signing the agreement on creation energomosta with Lithuania and brings turmoil in construction of power station in Ignalina.
If earlier it was spoken about terms of construction of a new atomic power station which constantly moved on 2012, 2015, 2017 now it is not clear, whether the agreement between Poland and three Baltic countries in general will be signed. Polish president Lekh Kachinsky, acting in Vilnius, radiated optimism: " I expect, that in the near future this agreement will be already reached(achieved) in th
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In reply to acceptance by committee on the international affairs of the House of Representatives of the congress of the USA with a recognition of the fact of a genocide of Armenians in Ottoman empire Turkey on Thursday has declared(announced) resolutions a response of the ambassador in Washington, broadcasting company NTV transfers(transmits). The telechannel also has informed, that the commander-in-chief of Naval Forces of Turkey has cancelled the earlier planned visit to the USA
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