In Royal court of the London area Vulich pass(take place) hearings on business of a five accused in terrorist activity.
Atilla Ahmet - presumably, the leader of a criminal grouping - has on the eve pled guilty to preparation of camps on training the future terrorists and in instigation to murders,
According to consequence(investigation), preparation in Ahmet's camps and its(his) accomplices have passed(have taken place), including, the terrorists, tried to organize a series of explosions in London on July, 21st, 2005.
The court knew, how Atilla Ahmet bragged of that broadcasting company si-эн-эн once has named its(his) "insurgent" al-¬á¿ñÙ " number one in the Europe ". Its(his) prospective accomplice, Mohammed Khamid, and at all once was presented to polices as " Osama ben London " and has promised to blow up attendants of the law and order.
KHamid has been detained in 2004 together with accused in preparation of unfortunate acts of terrorism on July, 21st Muktarom Saidom Ibragimom. Ibragim in July has been sentenced to life imprisonment.
" The version of charge is those, that KHamid at Ahmet's support hired, cultivated and forced down from a just way of young moslems. Its(his) problem(task) was to turn them into the fanatical and extremist belief, and, having given(allowed) thus it(him) a basis to force them to move further and to involve all new people in realization of " jihad " by fulfilment of acts of terrorism ", - public prosecutor David Farrell has declared.
In the afternoon on July, 21st, 2005 at stations of London underground " Warren-стрит ", "Oval" and "shepards-буш", and also in the bus number 26 on khakni-роуд in the east of London attempts to start explosives have been undertaken.
Attempts of acts of terrorism have been accomplished exactly two weeks later after acts of terrorism on July, 7th when were lost 56 person, including four terrorists, and from above 700 person have been wounded.